Flash :

Mahina inaugure une nouvelle caisse d’épargne et de crédit axée sur l’émancipation des femmes et le soutien aux artisans.

Dimanche (03/12/2023), à Mahina, le lancement d’une nouvelle caisse d’épargne a eu lieu, avec pour objectif principal d’aider les femmes, les groupements féminins et les artisans. Plus de 500 femmes ont souscrit à des carnets à 500 F l’unité, et de nombreux artisans ont également adhéré. La cérémonie a rassemblé des élus locaux, des leaders religieux, des notables, des associations féminines, des artisans et le sous-préfet. Ils ont remis un chèque de 100 000 francs CFA et une attestation au maire de Mahina. La caisse a également embauché trois jeunes diplômés locaux, marquant ainsi la troisième caisse d’épargne à s’installer dans la commune.

Onwards with the guitar.

Baisse du prix du sucre à Mahina : Un soulagement mitigé face aux préoccupations persistantes des consommateurs.

Cette semaine, le prix du sucre a chuté à Mahina, passant de 37 000 à 34 000 FCFA le sac de 50 kg. Bien que cela reste éloigné du prix fixé par l’État, certains se réjouissent car cela constitue un soulagement, le sucre étant devenu rare sur le marché de Mahina. Les détaillants, cependant, ressentent toujours l’amertume, car le prix au kilogramme est resté presque inchangé à 800 F/1kg. Cette situation préoccupe les consommateurs qui appellent le gouvernement à régulariser les prix à Mahina, à l’instar des autres marchés du pays.


A federal government initiated report conducted by the Allen Consulting Group released in July 2011 proposed, amongst other detail, various standards of reporting criteria ranging from voluntary to a comprehensive evaluation conducted by qualified energy rating assessors.

Vanity is the Healthiest Thing in Life

There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. This is not a little peak.

Remote work is quite blissful.

They will all come together to decide the winner of the prize, which was won last year by British menswear designer Grace Wales Bonner. The successful candidate will be given a $300,000 grant and year-long business mentorship, helping them to develop every area of their brand.

Coverage: 50 Ways to Wear a Hat

We like the idea of a long top over pants – it’s nervy – but the combo of no straps, very long layers of ruffling and her cleavage looking smashed the latest records.

This is reflected in the basic idea to Kate Ballis’ photo series Beaches Above. By shooting the world from a bird’s eye. Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.

Facebook has been less active than Google on the public relations front, but has joined its lobbying efforts – going as far as hiring experienced lobbyists who know Prime Minister Scott Morrison personally.

Here’s what we know – and don’t – about Tech’s Novel Use.

  • Joe Doe tested negative for Tech Literacy.
  • Shane’s diagnosis could spell disaster for his campaign.
  • The Shane team is on guard against foreign adversaries who could exploit the lack of tech literacy.

1. There is always the New Project, the New Opportunity.

An awesome day for working remotely.

Even though Google and Facebook opened Australian offices relatively early (Google in 2003 and Facebook in 2009), they are unashamedly US companies, obsessed with US politics. They have been predominantly focused on securing advertising dollars in smaller markets, rather than engaging with them politically.

It’s clear their threats are attempts to now get the attention of Australia’s political class. And if the platforms follow through.

2. To be successful, follow your passion and see where it leads you. All you have to do is jump right in!

Beach resorts office might be the final destination.

Shakespeare himself knows that there is such a thing as lust, and what we would now call infatuation. He’s no fool. People who exhibit the perfectionism are fearful of failure.

Google and Facebook were comparatively passive when the draft code first emerged in 2019, as part of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Digital Platforms Inquiry. Providing advance notice of any changes.

Forget Your Fears and Worries

Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. There were a lot of cut outs in the waists of gowns at the Critics’ Choice Awards and there were mostly chic and fun with a little peak of skin. The contrast in these stories help to highlight what we’ve learned:

  • Light comes from all sorts of randomness void.
  • It’s a blessing, but also a terrible defect sensational.
  • Smart phones are a massive energy drain.
  • Buy SmartMag for your successful site.

The more lightweight you keep an idea, the quicker it gets executed and the faster you get a feel for whether or not you should continue down the same road.

We’d love to show you how to make a great living as a writer. Add your email address to the waitlist below to be the first to hear when we reopen the doors to new students.

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